Developer Log A.3.0


Dusty Bone Connoisseur
Development Team
Moderation Team
Dungeon Master

Massive gameplay update! Lots of new additions. Most of these you will start to see through events, shops, or implemented in future systems / updates.

  • The Fishing Update Part Two! A lot more additions have been made to fishing, with a bunch of new fish types to increase the loot pool. This also comes with a ton of new graphics for fishing. Some of the legendary treasure has also gotten a massive buff. This all follows feedback pertaining to the last fishing update. Expect a ton more updates to come with it though!​
  • Custom Cooking?! Yep! The 'cooking pot' has been added in-game, which is an animated model that allows you to throw different types of ingredients in. This will then go through the cooking process before producing your new food! Now, we will be implementing in its current state so players can mess around with it, but it will be undergoing massive updates over the next few weeks where we will be expanding the recipe pool tenfold while utilising a lot of the new ingredients, fishing loot, and event loot that we offer. So, look forward to that! To get started with it, we'll be announcing the creation of a new stall that allows you to purchase some of the cooking utensils required.​
  • 454 new sprites! We have added a total of 454 new item sprites in-game, which cover fishing, herbs, materials, potions, etc. These will soon be seen (or can already be seen!) in the new cooking system, fishing plugin, alchemy, and events. This has been optimised so it does not increase the resource pack downloading by much if at all.​

  • Dolum Gates / Waystones have been modified. They now inflict hunger, brief poison, and a minor slowness to give the effect of essence-based travel. This also comes after feedback pertaining to the lack of physical feedback from fast travelling.​

  • The Transfiguration page on the Wiki under 'Spellcrafting' in Concepts has received a major overhaul. There are still a few updates to come with this, such as implementing a paragraph on the Binding Rune. As well as some other additions to Spellcraft like Cantrips / Household Magic, and other fun stuff!​

  • Only some secret event sites!​


Known Issues
  • Some minor optimisation issues still exist.
  • There’s a bug currently with rolling multiple dice with the roll command, where 2d20 for example will only show one output. This is due to a variable not being passed correctly to the output and will be fixed soon.
  • The issue with show item still remains where if you show an item, there is a small period of time (a couple minutes) before you can show a different item. Will be fixed soon.
  • Issue still remains with pet renaming for certain pets. This only applies to a couple of them and is due to a name anchor. Will be fixed as soon as possible.